Customize your Switch and Outlet Cover Plates with Crazy glue, Baking Soda, Sand and Paint.



Super glue, (cyanacrylate) and baking soda create an active compound and superior adhesive. The outlet cover on the right has multi layers of glue, soda and sand which accounts for the random, but interesting texture. The switch cover on the left is a slightly damaged one which we will use for this experiment.


Gloves should be worn for this because the glue is quick drying and very difficult to remove from the skin. Begin by cleaning and drying the surface of the cover. Apply a thin coat of super glue to the surface; not the entire surface but approximately a quarter of it. Slightly dust the area with baking soda while being careful not to let it build up in any one area. Apply more super glue and sprinkle fine sand over the section. It is important to remember that the glue dries quick and speed is of the essence.

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Why Do You Have to Go to Tile Shops?

Tile shops have found many ways to become better, more inclusive, and more effective than before with some extra services that they have started to deliver. From wall tiling, floor tiling to even the occasional roof tiling, professional tile stores have a way of making their customers feel both welcome and in full control. It is not possible to talk about all the ways they accomplish this, but here are some of the astounding ones.


Many tile suppliers not only deliver tiles in their myriad of services, but also the chance to pick a tile design based on a certain scheme without them even needing to spend money on it. These come in the form of samples which one can either match to their existing tiles if they want them to stay similar or match to other parts of the area if they want a modification that still works effectively. Also, most stores come with the extra option of aided installation which they can do and complete while one watches, or aided self-installation, which is when they provide individuals with videos and guidelines on how to place the tiles on their own.

Style inspiration

Basically every house owner who has had the opportunity to see their property get built from the beginning or was fortunate enough to experience the space get designed from the walls to the roof has had some idea of what they want the property to look like in the end, but typically, the idea is loose and rooted on imagination. Even though imagination is fantastic and everything must ideally start in one’s head, having a physical representation of what one wants the end result to be inspired by is more than helpful. A lot of proficient designers and eve architects do not get their end product by just drawing all that’s in their head, but rather find some small type of illustration that they can reference on their route to the end. It may seem like a notably silly and remedial thing to do, but initiating the conception of one’s space’s decor from a specific tile they like is a quick and effective way to achieve fantastic results. One only has to select a tile off the various, although this in itself could be an entirely different task, and they need to start by picking colour designs that match the tile design. Then they need to select wall colours, ceiling style, lights that could compliment, even furniture, and soon they will realize that without even trying to, they have decorated a space that comes together delightfully.


Most importantly, tile shops provide the clients with a range in terms of design. No two individuals are ever the same, and even though often character traits and likes coincide with each other, everyone is still significant from everyone else, which is provision of a single thing without at least permitting some form of customisable features or aspects. Due to this, lots of tile stores pride themselves on each being better than the others when it comes to the sheer amount of styles it has. From plain single coloured ones with basic almost seamless patterns that make one forget it is even a floor to bespoke complex styles that have one looking down continuously and even to tiles that look like other materials, normally wood or concrete, there is always something that the online or physical tile shops can help with to tie the look of one’s space together. Walls, flooring and whatever is in between, people can always find the right tile to cover and compliment.

For more details, you should call Bibliotheque Tiles on 020 8365 2084.

Makeover Ideas for Your Lounge

One of the best parts about having your own place is that you get to choose when to rearrange your furniture and what style you want to use for your lounge makeover. If you are struggling to make a decision about the makeover, here are some ideas that you might find useful.

The new “It” for any house is to mix and match different styles and it is a definite must-have if you are willing to go bold. To make your living room have more of a contemporary atmosphere you can use different combinations of colours and patterns. Make sure that during the decorating process you use a secondary colour that breaks the brightness of the primary colour. For example, the primary colour could be red and the secondary colour white.

Classic never goes out of style. If you want to give your lounge the same appeal of a rustic atmosphere without buying too much, you can focus on brown and beige. It works well if you already have wooden furniture such as a coffee table or dining set. For added appeal, you can fit a brown wooden pivot door to create a grand entrance.

As it is the modern times, it would be great to convert your living space into a monotone zone. Although it only consists of two colours (black and white), the white will make the room appear more spacious. The upside to the monotone style is that you can always enhance the atmosphere by placing a bold colour, such as yellow, to create a pop of colour.

An interesting idea for your makeover would be to change the couch cushions to white, and replace the cover of the throw pillows to powder colours such as powder pink or powder blue. In the same chosen colour you can cover an ottoman to create consistency in the theme. To make the look all the more comforting, add a white wicker chair with a garden cushion to match the style.

If you feel bored with the look in your lounge then you should probably try out an energetic style. By taking the Greek concept (white or marble) into consideration and using it as the undertone of the room. Add bright colours such as green, turquoise, gold and blue to determine the rest of the colours you will use. Cushions and arm chairs can be in the green colours, blue can be used for carpeting and gold for wall elements. The atmosphere of the room can be tied together with a glass door that emits light through.

If you have a living room that works as a sun room or you wish it did then yellow, green and white will do the atmosphere justice. Most sun rooms are surrounded by big glass windows without curtains. They look out to the garden. To not take beauty away from nature, the items with the biggest surface areas should be white or beige. Cushions and throws can vary with both yellow and green.

Your lounge is where you live. It’s very important to make it yours with your own ideas and decorations. So long as you are happy with your living room your guests will feel comfortable in it.

Jad Doors is a family run business that was established in 1995. We are manufacturers of standard & custom made wooden doors, windows, skirtings & mouldings, garage doors. We are also stockists of superior quality door hardware.

Contact us: Email or Tel 011 857 2131.

The Wonder Of Glass Wall Art

Glass wall art is unique and functional as it represents a higher level of luxury. It makes even a simple room to rise up to its aristocracy. Glass wall art forms a custom element that has unlimited options. Each design takes life in glass through various techniques. It takes various forms, frosted glass, fascinating 3D effect, hand-painted, stained and everything else artsy, glass panels are treated in different ways to achieve different effects that determine the price of each piece. The edges can either be straight polished, or can be hand-chiseled to the customer’s choice. There is no limit to design, there’s something suitable for every room and style. Price is determined by considering various factors like the design complexity, type of effect, specialty glass or frosted glass.

Glass wall art pieces are usually wall mounted using metal standoff posts that are designed to sync with the rest of the wall texture. They can be a bunch of unique art forms in your living room, bedroom, hallway, dining and bathrooms. Glass thickness varies according to the desired size and the purpose. When using a clear glass instead of a plain mirror, the wall color must be painted in a darker shade of paint in order to create a nice contrast between the background wall and the white sandblast etched and carved glass to make it highly visible.

Bring a sparkling, phenomenal look to your room by accessorizing with hand crafted glass art. With pieces that are handcrafted by talented artisans, glass wall art collections come in various size and production techniques such as glass blowing and glass casting, kiln-fired slumping and fusing. The result is a range of fine, significant glass art that will instantly transform the look of your interior by creating a dramatic focal point in your living space.

Handcrafted glass wall art is now considered as essential accessories, equally important to match the tone in a room along with the rest of the furniture. Glass wall art takes its form in the hands of talented artists who know how to work with glass in coordination with advanced lighting technologies as they give form to their pieces that meet the customer’s expectations.

There are a number of ways in which these versatile pieces can be used to achieve different looks around the home. Art can either be wall mounted or used in other forms like a console and coffee table additions, making them perfect conversation pieces. Each piece can be formed in a myriad of finishes, shapes and sizes, with custom options in colour and design.

Wall Art add some flair to your room and put your personal touch on it. You can fill a blank space on your wall in a creative way. For creative and unique design you may check out CreoGlass Design to get best glass wall art for your home.