Customize your Switch and Outlet Cover Plates with Crazy glue, Baking Soda, Sand and Paint.



Super glue, (cyanacrylate) and baking soda create an active compound and superior adhesive. The outlet cover on the right has multi layers of glue, soda and sand which accounts for the random, but interesting texture. The switch cover on the left is a slightly damaged one which we will use for this experiment.


Gloves should be worn for this because the glue is quick drying and very difficult to remove from the skin. Begin by cleaning and drying the surface of the cover. Apply a thin coat of super glue to the surface; not the entire surface but approximately a quarter of it. Slightly dust the area with baking soda while being careful not to let it build up in any one area. Apply more super glue and sprinkle fine sand over the section. It is important to remember that the glue dries quick and speed is of the essence.

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Author: Eddie Alfaro


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